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Welcome to my blog! 

Fieldnotes or field notes refer to collections of research, observations, and reflections based off studies and experiences. I created a ton of field notes in professional settings, so I decided to start a blog based off that theme. Now, I mostly write about my adventures. 

I’m trying to get more serious about documenting life after turning 30. I’m at a time in my life where I am planning and achieving big things, but also caring for my inner child by following curiosities and re-visiting nostalgia. Plus, it is fun to look back on my recollections and share with like-minded folks.

This is both a place to hold professional and personal experiences and offerings. I know most people separate the two, but it’s much easier for me to manage if everything is together. At the end of the day, people will come here for me.

Please see below to explore some popular topics: